Round 2
- Name the top ten boys names named after books in the bible
- Name the first 10 countries alphabetically with 5 letters – don’t go past I
Round 3 General Knowledge
1. Which Scottish monarch was beheaded at Fotheringay castle?
2. What do the initials in CS Lewis stand for?
3. Longest Shakespeare play?
4. Who are the parents of these lucky children Poppy Honey Rosie, Daisy Boo Pamela and Petal Blossom Rainbow?
5. Who are the parents of these lucky children Honey Kitten, Betty Kitten and Harvey Kirby?
6. If an MP applies for the Chiltern hundreds what are they doing?
7. Liverpool based soap which ran for 21 years and finished in 2003?
8. What is the body part also known as axilla?
9. Where would you find the little mermaid?
10. Where would you find table mountain?
11. What was the occupation of Fred Housego who won Mastermind in 1980?
12. The average person does what 13 times a day?
13. What brand of apple was used as a symbol for the Beatles record label Apple Records
14. Christopher Cockerell invented what?
15. What was the best thing patented in 1954?
16. In what language was the New Testament originally written?
17. For which other work than The Odyssey is Homer noted?
18. What kind of animal starred in the movie Free Willy?
19. The River Cong flows in to which ocean?
20. Who lit the Olympic torch at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics?