Richard’s Community Fun “Pub Quiz” – Week 17

Whilst our regular quiz is cancelled this shortened pub quiz is for you do at home, amongst the householders or in virtual meetup challenges.

Round 1 – Name these British landmarks

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Round 2

  • States of the U.S.A. – Name the10 states that contain the same vowel three or more times.
  • Name the 10 birds featured on the Royal Mail ‘birds of Prey’ 2019 stamps
    [A special set of stamps issued in April 2019]

Round 3 General Knowledge

1 In which county was Isaac Newton born?

2 If eating Cambridge No 5s, Wellands or Bedford Winter Harvests what would you be eating?

3 I If you walked one mile south, one mile west, and then one mile north, and ended up where you started, where would you be?

4 What shape is the road sign `Stop` in Britain?

5 From which language does the word `mythology` come?

6 In 1985, which entertainer made the first ever mobile phone call in Britain?

7 Frenchman Bibendum has more than one spare tyre, but by what name do we know him better as?

8 What is the only word in the English language that ends in the letters “mt”

9 What month of the year has 28 days?

10 I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?

11 You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn’t a single person on board. How is that possible?

12 I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I?

13 What do the initials HB on a pencil stand for?

14 Which is the only US state that contains none of the letters from `Osama` in its name?

15 What is the only property on a Monopoly board that contains all of the letters in the word `Monopoly`?

16 What is the world`s largest lake?

17 What name is given to the cabin below an Airship?

18 If a dish is cooked Florentine, what is it cooked with?

19 How many loaves and how many fish did Jesus use to feed 5,000?

20 What is the most common surname in England?

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