Round 2
- The 10 post war Prime Ministers with A anywhere in their name
- The 10 one-word British army ranks
[The 10 ranks in the British Army and the youth organization that it and the Ministry of Defence sponsor that consists of one word; as of May 2019.]
Round 3 General Knowledge
1. Group or set of twenty
2. Lowest ranking suit in the card game bridge
3. 1993 comedy- drama film starring Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau
4. Light, slender flexible sword tipped by a button
5. Number represented by X in roman numerals
6. British diarist and naval administrator who died in 1703
7. In which country was James Bond’s mother born
8. Cold sea mist or fog off the North Sea
9. Boris who? author of 1957 novel Doctor Zhivago
10. God of fields, woods, shepherds and flocks in Greek Mythology
11. Long-bodied short-legged breed of Welsh dog
12. Name of a Shakespeare character also the first name of a Prime Minster of Israel and a washing powder
13. Mote, Caviar, Table, Demitasse, Marrow, Absinthe, Runcible, Souvenir, and Caddy are all examples of what?
14. Wind instrument of the flute family with a reedy tone quality (8 letters)
15. English Protestant Bishop burnt at the stake in 1555
16. The common name for which flower stems from the Persian word for ‘turban’?
17. Kirstie who? co-presenter of Channel 4 tv series Location, Location, Location
18. Frankenstein-Dracula variation, Würzburger Trap, Giuoco Piano, Howell Attack, Lasker Defense, Queen’s Indian, Monkey’s Bum and London System are all examples of what?
19. Port in Kent, Caesar’s first point of attack in the 55BC invasion of Britain
20. Which sport is played on the largest pitch?
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Round 2
- The 10 post war Prime Ministers with A anywhere in their name
- The 10 one-word British army ranks
[The 10 ranks in the British Army and the youth organization that it and the Ministry of Defence sponsor that consists of one word; as of May 2019.]
Round 3 General Knowledge
1. Group or set of twenty
2. Lowest ranking suit in the card game bridge
3. 1993 comedy- drama film starring Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau
4. Light, slender flexible sword tipped by a button
5. Number represented by X in roman numerals
6. British diarist and naval administrator who died in 1703
7. In which country was James Bond’s mother born
8. Cold sea mist or fog off the North Sea
9. Boris who? author of 1957 novel Doctor Zhivago
10. God of fields, woods, shepherds and flocks in Greek Mythology
11. Long-bodied short-legged breed of Welsh dog
12. Name of a Shakespeare character also the first name of a Prime Minster of Israel and a washing powder
13. Mote, Caviar, Table, Demitasse, Marrow, Absinthe, Runcible, Souvenir, and Caddy are all examples of what?
14. Wind instrument of the flute family with a reedy tone quality (8 letters)
15. English Protestant Bishop burnt at the stake in 1555
16. The common name for which flower stems from the Persian word for ‘turban’?
17. Kirstie who? co-presenter of Channel 4 tv series Location, Location, Location
18. Frankenstein-Dracula variation, Würzburger Trap, Giuoco Piano, Howell Attack, Lasker Defense, Queen’s Indian, Monkey’s Bum and London System are all examples of what?
19. Port in Kent, Caesar’s first point of attack in the 55BC invasion of Britain
20. Which sport is played on the largest pitch?
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